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Posted: 23 Jun 2010, 18:01
by nivea
+ NAF 3rd
+ great game with lots of action
+ good commanders
+ many vehicles
+ BE crew Basse, always nice and tries to fix things

- the lack of a generator
- no toilets in our base, not even down at the crossroads. :evil:
I guess one argument could've been that the placing of our base was supposed to be a secret or whatever but at least there could have been some toilets in the nearby area. Not so funny to try to get to NAF 5th's base for doing the "no 2"... would've liked to know that before coming..

- the fact that some mates were left at the train station because the BE driver "couldn't" go anywhere else besides the camping or the station.. Skip the fancy magazine and the Berget $ and use the money for more and better transportations!

Posted: 24 Jun 2010, 12:14
by Gryffyd
  • Tents were a joke, badly situated, poorly set up and in shocking condition. If BE can provide better tents I'm more than happy to set up my own tent when the team gets there rather then have them done badly in a crap spot.

    Large number of players getting shot and then rolling into cover, not BE's fault at all, people take your hits, it's a game of honour, show you have some.

    No toilets in, or anywhere near, the Ranger base, I know the trucks had problems with the hill, but even at the crossroads would have worked for us.

    Unbalanced teams, some effort should have been made to re-balance the teams otherwise it spoils the fight on both sides.
  • 3rd Rangers, you guys all rocked!

    Nice selection of scenarios and missions.

    Awesome props, loved the gold bars, in game safes etc.

    BE staff were helpful and friendly, always, even when we were complaining :)

    Poldavian annihilation or our base... I went through every mag I had and even reloaded... they just kept coming :x

    Roleplaying by prisoners, I only got to interrogate 1, but he played it really well.

Posted: 25 Jun 2010, 02:30
by Klings

Posted: 25 Jun 2010, 22:48
by Bootcat
You may kiss the asses of the French Platoon mate :wink: we put a killing card in the center of the frakking Mountaineers base, how's that for position left ?

Posted: 25 Jun 2010, 22:54
by Tiger_1
You mean the empty base? Sounds about right for a french feat of arms...

Posted: 25 Jun 2010, 23:01
by vinni
must've been really difficult too, there may have been almost 10 guys that couldn't come on ops because of injuries

Posted: 25 Jun 2010, 23:11
by BlOnDiN
I'm pretty curious on which position it was...

Or perhaps you're not talking about the Dust Devils, because i' don't remember surrending any position without hitting minimum 3 pollies pussies...

For memory :

Dog point, Fast assault @ 22h12 the first day, 10 minutes fight with a ratio of 1Dust Devil for 2 pollies, result : 3 wounded on our side, no survivors on 20 pollies defenfing Dog pt.
We took the point, sent the sms, and according to BE crew, only NAfs sended sms in the following 9 hours.

Cross roads : we were 8, Pollies were leaving the position before the supplies arrived, we surrended and attacked a 2 trucks supplies convoy with 25+ people in, blowed up the car and hitted all opponents without one lose.

3rd Range base attack : we were 1st attacked at 10am, at North position, we were 3 vs 12+ pollies, half of them get hitted, the rest was running back to base (due to fear face to the rapidity and violence of our reaction?). 2 hours later, big attack, and Pollies need 300+ men to surrend and take the camp with only 50men defending it... it tooks 6 hours to take the position, and we counted 167 confirmed kills for our own platoon in 22h of gameplay...)

So i'm sorry Pollies but without any partiality everytime I met you with my mates, we kiked your asses properly, and played the game fair, as we decided to left B-8 when you blowed up our base as we were all considering ourselves as dead since our based has been bombed.. (which was not the case of most of the pollies that were under the same bombing and didn't take any casualities from that bombing.
But lucky your were that there was not enough game masters at that time...

Posted: 25 Jun 2010, 23:24
by Bootcat
vinni wrote:must've been really difficult too, there may have been almost 10 guys that couldn't come on ops because of injuries
We were 30 down at game start, 72 in camp and Poldavians still needed a few hundred to pay us a visit. As for the Mountaineer base, it was not empty, it was the middle of the night, people were sleeping in the tents and the guards were busy elsewhere I guess.

I still don't recognize the location of this picture. Where was it taken?

Posted: 25 Jun 2010, 23:31
by Trasher-HU
BlOnDiN wrote:and Pollies need 300+ men
The pollies needed 8 men from 3rd Mt. (before the big attack) to clear all the 5 bunkers without casualties. ;)

Posted: 25 Jun 2010, 23:36
by Tiger_1
Ok guys, we all had fun. lets move on before this gets out of hand. And for the norwegian guys with the photo, mayby some other time and place?

Posted: 25 Jun 2010, 23:54
by BlOnDiN
@Trasher-HU : i agree that before the big attakc we took 1hour+ of rest, follwong a 6h+ guard duty around the camp.

@ Tiger_1 : Noworries i'm not arguing. I'm a kind man respecting my opponents, sonce they're respecting my and my brothers in arms ;)

I 100% recognize that Pollies did a great job on B8, with structured attacks, and oriented decisions, but i 100% dislike when people write shits down on my bros and me, especially when it has no sens...

It's like i would have published a pic like this one, showing a text like : "We came here and kicked out 300 Pollies without shooting a BB"
It would have been a nice Hollywood scenario, but has no sens, while knowing well the Pollies.

Do you know what I mean?

Posted: 26 Jun 2010, 02:19
by Thodin
When you say we needed 300+. I start to wonder since in 3rd mounteners we where less then 150?

Posted: 26 Jun 2010, 02:24
by Bilich
BlOnDiN wrote:
Dog point, Fast assault @ 22h12 the first day, 10 minutes fight with a ratio of 1Dust Devil for 2 pollies, result : 3 wounded on our side, no survivors on 20 pollies defenfing Dog pt.
We took the point, sent the sms, and according to BE crew, only NAfs sended sms in the following 9 hours.

I was with the Poldavians there. You guys were great, that's for sure. ;)

Also , 9 of us was sneaking arround your base at 2.50 looking for a tenk. We could not locate it but it was nice to be in the midlle of your base and everyone was sleeping :D

Now let's stop talking who did what and who did not. We all had fun and that's what airsoft is all about.

I made the execution on unarmed civilian. I should be embarassed :oops:
or NOT :D

P.S and stop counting your ''kills'' please , this is not a compentition. You guys are great players , but playing good is not enough to be good airsofter :wink:

Posted: 26 Jun 2010, 07:56
by Bootcat
Agreed, let's move on.

Posted: 27 Jun 2010, 01:01
by turret
disappointed with the BE work but not the game.

good organization on the 23rd NAF (wether in the forum or on the field)
great players as well
Road trip to Solleftea
Saturday last batttle even if I broke my M60 defending the base
Kazakh guyz on the Civvies side (must be Borrat cousins :P )
LARP game from lots of people
Berget radios

map change a month before the game
too few transport (havent used one during the whole game)
camo restrictions (how stupid ????)
lots of people not taking their hits (only Poldavians but not all hopefully)
BE Crew willingness to help the Poldavians (What was Eagle Cliff for the 5th NAF, CrossRoads for the 3rd Rangers and Jacob Hills for 23rd NAF ? Close in respawning points to attack our bases; but no equivalent on the Poldavian side)
3rd ranger location compared to 1st mountaineer base
Beer party in an opened place
Reporting of ID numbers to Berget Master/Trustee and nothing happened
ppl on all sides not reading rules !!! (Some guy from 1st mountaineer started to heal himself on the 23rd base after being shot and being himself a medic ??? "Sorry I havent read the rules" isnt a good answer at all)
ppl leaving the game earlier (250 minimum on NAF sides according to HQs)

Lots of problems that may have an explanation but we never had one...
Quite sad.
However, I had a great game cause we had to fight hard to counterbalance the points above.
All the ppl who played fair were really great. (they were a lot indeed)

This was my last Berget Game for a long time.
Same mistakes are repeating on and on + there are other places where you arent considered only a money bitch (like Eastern Europe)

Special congrats points to Blackwolf who made his best to give every NAF 23rd member a good game and succeeded 8)

Have all a good game @ B9.