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Re: The Newspaper

Posted: 06 May 2013, 18:43
by D One
Who says getting Beiber to perform at our base is not to gain supporters?

A "show" in front of an audiance that would not for the love of all that is good attend if it weren't because of strict orders.
But we, the Recon detachement have our seperate orders.

As I said; GCT does this to gain more support from the world aswell as show our goodwill.
Let's just say our rifles might not just be pointed towards UA17 and the rest of our enemies.

We do wetwork of all kinds.

Be afraid of what you don't see...

Re: The Newspaper

Posted: 07 May 2013, 07:58
by CrocKSI
Arradin wrote:Yes, you got Internet.

So does North Korea, africa , and all other places we laugh at.

As i said, i am not worried about any kind of tech from the farmers of Lerrando.
The real threat is the Drugs, and i just dont want that crap spreading to our lovely Western real societys.

The people of Lerrando dont need to worry, though.
If the leaders are taken care of, the footsolders will run around as headless chicken.
IF i get sent to Lerrando, that would be my personal goal.
As You the people of LERANDO can see the evil Global Counter Terrorist Taskforce (GCT) will shoot Your freely elected leaders.
And GCT calls You lowtech simple farmers with no education or will. Farmers intoxicaded by smoking own produced weed.
GCT fears that LERANDO culture will spread across the globe.
GCT calls You, proude peoples of LERANDO "headless chicken".
Are You going to put up with that ruthless behaviors from someone?
GCT should be worried!!!
We will help You people of LERANDO to spread that fear.
We will help You people of LERANDO have Your free elections.
We will help You to live Your life as You want free from dictatorship from forenigers with bad maners destroying Your Poppiefields.
We are UA17 the peoples of LERANDOs army.
Join Us and Our day will come when LERANDO is united.

Re: The Newspaper

Posted: 07 May 2013, 12:23
by Fly
Keep LERANDO Bieber-free!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: The Newspaper

Posted: 08 May 2013, 11:57
by CrocKSI
I welcome the Witchdoctors.
Looking forward to cooperate with You.
I have the prescription and You have the knowledge to mix it rigth.
Togheter We will have the strongest bio-weapon in all time.


Re: The Newspaper

Posted: 08 May 2013, 16:46
by Wagner
All we can do is heal, nothing more, nothing less.

Re: The Newspaper

Posted: 08 May 2013, 20:33
by Wanha
Free election is bullshit :D , only matter is that, who count the vote`s :shock: .
Second thing: Hades need frehs soul`s :lol: .
BW: Wanha, Squad leader, Knight of Hades

Re: The Newspaper

Posted: 08 May 2013, 22:55
by Jan Speed
GCT = Global Community Traitors
Thats what they are!
They betray humanity!!
NOTHING what they say/think/belive is true!!!

So dont get mindwashed, stand up and strong for a free Lerando !!!!!

Re: The Newspaper

Posted: 09 May 2013, 11:23
by D One
--- SPAM !!! --- it. Let's just nuke them.

Re: The Newspaper

Posted: 12 May 2013, 20:33
by MrDontKnow
Arradin wrote:UA17 is trying to Brainwash you with thier communist propagande.

Trust me, you should stay FAR away from UA17, and should assist in helping GCT by showing us where they are hiding.
And that is what they do. They hide. Like rats.

Noone like Rats.
This is how all you foreigners are, you just make assumptions thats not based on fact. As an ordinary Lerendo citizen i feel no threat from the ANARCHIST group of UA17, they just run around and do their thing. I just go to work every day to feed me and my cat, and enjoy everyday life in our beautiful country. You GCT schmucks just come here, guns blazing, and that makes me feel threatened.

Re: The Newspaper

Posted: 12 May 2013, 21:23
by vinni
The GCT is putting a lot of friends of mine out of work!
Do you have ANY idea how difficult it is to find good mercenary work in such a wonderful climate? :P

Re: The Newspaper

Posted: 13 May 2013, 05:13
by CrocKSI
MrDontKnow wrote:
Arradin wrote:UA17 is trying to Brainwash you with thier communist propagande.

Trust me, you should stay FAR away from UA17, and should assist in helping GCT by showing us where they are hiding.
And that is what they do. They hide. Like rats.

Noone like Rats.
This is how all you foreigners are, you just make assumptions thats not based on fact. As an ordinary Lerendo citizen i feel no threat from the ANARCHIST group of UA17, they just run around and do their thing. I just go to work every day to feed me and my cat, and enjoy everyday life in our beautiful country. You GCT schmucks just come here, guns blazing, and that makes me feel threatened.
As You all can see. Good citizens of LERANDO will not fear the UA17, because UA17 is citizens of LERANDO and We dont wont to kill our fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters and children.
We will fight the GCT to free LERANDO.
Support UA17 by any means You can and it will profit You in the end.

Our day will come.

Re: The Newspaper

Posted: 13 May 2013, 12:33
by D One
Looks like UA17 doesn't have the support they claim to have as they spout nonsensical propaganda.

GCT IS the world. Getting rid of the Ravens and UA17 is just a plus for Lerando.

Re: The Newspaper

Posted: 13 May 2013, 13:02
by Arradin
I´ve been following the situation in Lerando the last couple of days via Sattellite images.

It's clear that UA17 does not only commit crimes against the population of Lerando, by Raping your girls.. They also steal from farmers, and force them to grow thier drugs instead of the food the people need..

It will only go worse from here, and it needs to be stopped.

Dont do what UA17 tells you to do. Remember, those raped girls can be your sister, daughter or wife.

Stand up against the Terrorists, and we, the GCT, will help free you.

Re: The Newspaper

Posted: 13 May 2013, 14:24
by vinni
As a DM of Lerando's esteemed D&D Farmer's Guild, I must ask you to keep the roleplay somewhat realistic :P
Ravens spouting nonsensical propaganda? Sure, that's what you'd expect.
Secretive UA17 members divulging their affiliation? Unlikely when sober.
A highly-trained GCT recon trooper claiming to have (casual) access to military satellite images and disclosing or lying about its contents? About to face court martial :P

I love some good RP (I even award bonus XP for it), but this is just getting silly.

Now, I must leave you to your chat, my farm needs me.

Re: The Newspaper

Posted: 13 May 2013, 17:49
by JudgementDay
Arradin wrote:It's clear that UA17 does not only commit crimes against the population of Lerando, by Raping your girls.. They also steal from farmers, and force them to grow thier drugs instead of the food the people need..
Delete: UA17. Read: "Ravens" group. There has been a common misunderstanding in the media as of late. This is why I don't trust Twitter, as some wannabe political commentor claimed that the Ravens, a force that turned from drug runners to local militia to something that pretty much overthrew the Lerando government and has now replaced local military and police with its own mercenaries, are the core group of this UA17 terrorist group. Some other idiot copy-pasted the Tweet, and from there it went until some of the big media picked it up and started saying that UA17 is the Ravens. Load of bull if you ask me, and some right-wing politicians jumped the train for their own propaganda.

Anyone following the right sources knows the two are completely different: Ravens run the drug business and try to pose as 'rightful military government that replaces the fascist tyranny of Ex-President Perroso (was that his name? He disappeared after the first Ravens attacks so quickly I don't quite remember the name)'. UA17 is an international terrorist group that goes for bombing bigger cities, claiming to lead a 'war on the ongoing plague of human urbanization itself' or something like that.

Also, if I got that correctly, UA17 claiming to be 'we, the people of Lerando' is bull just as well. Of course I expect that there will be Lerando citizens in UA17 if it has a cell within the Republic, but they're an international group who couldn't care less for Lerando - they're just there because the unstable environment allows them to run around freely, while no government or state authorities are there to keep them in check.
Arradin wrote:I´ve been following the situation in Lerando the last couple of days via Sattellite images.
I don't know if we're talking the same source, but I saw some sat images on TV lately as well of a few remote villages in Lerando where the Ravens had apparently held a 'tribunal' (=massacre because they thought that someone in the village was not supporting them enough or meeting their delivery quote of the harvest). On that one news show, they even had a helicopter fly over one of the villages after the Ravens were gone - didn't hear of any rapings, but the pictures were gruesome alright, torn bodies and the blood and all...