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Freno Fisherman

Posted: 03 Jul 2014, 00:23
by freno
I was a REAL civilian!

I arrived on Monday and put up my tent. Arranged The Fisherman´s Hut, and my buissness.
Froze my ass of during night, with a bad sleepingbag. Woke up Tuesday, and it was frost on the ground. Love it!!

On Tuesday i met friends and made the check-in. Evening we had some bbq. I think there was 5 tentplaces (except mine), and most of the friends tried to poison me... Thanks Al-Kazzar, Jack Daniels and Blueberry-Koskenkorva!
We had a great evening and talked alot.
Ofcourse, as a good airsofter i am, i NEVER use "pre-game-info"

On wednesday, i continued settle-up in Fisherman´s Hut, to be ready to gamestart.
-During past days i´d seen some strange non-millitary people checking my area. I was landowner of Fisherman´s...
I spread roumors of that, and wanted someone to follow me to check it up. There was some interrested, but it ends up beeing Al-Kazzar who "helped" me...
Togeather we found 1KG of Berganine. Ofcourse, i didn´t want to deal with that shit so they gave me "compensation" and took care of it... :)
I sold alot of fish to everybody who needed, and payed for it. I payed taxes for some of it! Sorry...

Thursday i sold fish and started some taxi-services... Sometimes i payed some taxes...
I met a fellow-fisherman.
I understood emidiatelly he was something else... We spoke alot. About fishing, ofcourse! And also about living in Lerando... I just forgot to ask for his name... :-) Forgive me, AB!!
From start i was neutral from each fractions, but my personal feeling was that a change in regim would be best for Lerando. AB agreed. I understood we had same ideology, somehow. So we wanted GCT, under UN-mandate, to make it happen somehow. He also told me he had some "friends" across the border in Guyana. As i suspected they were GCT.

On Friday i told AB i could do something, like kill Rico maybe... With a special fish... We realised it was hard to manage, because some missunderstanding about my land. I´d tried to agree that Rico should pay me some compensation to use some of my land for this "Liqour-production". (Story in other post).
I thought Rico stole the land from me, and lost my trust somehow. I thought to maybe assasin someone else, just because... My thoughts fell on the cheriff, but i was told from my friend that GCT didn´t want that.
-Don´t harm the cheriff in any ways, i was told. Ok, he was too nice fellow anyway! :oops:
Most of the day was prospary for my buissnes. I sold fish, intel, and drow taxi...
Except when i was stuck between two roadblocks from Raven´s, when The President was at my cabin shooting some fish!?!
Sorry Mr President, i was kind of busy! You should have called!! :twisted:
Rico told me that it was a misunderstanding about him stealing my land. Ofcourse, he liked to arrange some kind of compensation...

Saturday, i was little troubbled with nothing to do. Most of the fish was gone, but i had one special!!
I got told from my friend fisherman2, that his friend might pay me to assasin the chief of taxcollector. He had "dangerous contacts", they told us. I payed all guys around the camp-fire to shut-up, and i stugg taxcollector with my "fish". I had planted a knife inside the fish, so nobody could see it without open it up... Everybody played along, but ofcourse everybody could see that the knife was mine. I got prisoned, but taxcollectors brother killed me during visit.
During "the last fight" me and AB got stuck inside the tavern, and couldn´t do anything at start. Inside there was the taxcollectors(UA17), Sheriff and his deputy(GCT), The Guards of the bureau(Ravens), Mr. Commissare and me and AB i think. It was little caotic...
Suddenly UA17 got orders to kill all Ravens. Poor deputy was killed accidently! We were asked to join UA17. Ofcourse we did. Togeather we ran inside the ironwall, with the commissare as a prisoner. Inside the wall, i felt safe and was treated nicelly. I eaven went for some additional watercan in my tent. AB and another guy was visited and searched, because none of UA17 did know them. After a while, AB told me he knifekilled the last of the UA17 from the Tavern.
A star for that guy, not told his friend AB killed him! No cheating there...
Suddenly UA17 told us GCT was friendly to UA17! We stayed safe inside until gamestop.

The game stoped, and i hadn´t used my gun ONCE! Still my philosophy was satisfied. Gct kidnapped Rico, and helped to maintain ironwall in hands of "civilians". Beeing friends with UA17, i will deal with next year... Still i killed their leader...

What about that:
Ok, i´ve forgot more then half of what took place! If you remember it and i don´t, still it was a good experiance!
Hope to meet you ALL again!

Ok, i live in this area so...

Re: Freno Fisherman

Posted: 03 Jul 2014, 05:53
by ViskiNalle
Its going to be a tradition trying poison you Freno, but with love and alcohol.

Thanks for a great game!

Re: Freno Fisherman

Posted: 03 Jul 2014, 23:00
by freno
ViskiNalle wrote:Its going to be a tradition trying poison you Freno, but with love and alcohol.

Thanks for a great game!
Thank you too! Maybe next time, i´ll make a try to poison YOU... :)

Re: Freno Fisherman

Posted: 03 Jul 2014, 23:02
by freno
If i get the last 25k BD, it ended up being a good buissness. 75k BD as a REAL civilian... :D