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Medic Rules

Posted: 07 Oct 2015, 13:07
by M.Koho
Hello everyone,

Sorry to post this in a little bit wrong place, but I did not want to this suggestion to be lost in old suggestion post topic.

Every year there is a lots of feedback on cheating and walking too much for respawn. I think one reason for cheating is that being eliminated is sometimes too much of an punishment so people tend to ignore unclear shots. Myself I have never encountered obvious cheating, usually situations where accusations of cheating arise are fights in which players shoot each other from a great distances maybe through some obstacles. Maybe a player is lying in ditch or something and some one tries to shoot the player without a clear line of sight or target ducks on the last moment. Some BBs maybe pass the obstacles clearly or ricoche some how and player taking cover can't really tell if he/she is hit or not. Of course the best thing is to take a hit but the closest respawn maybe clicks away and the situation at hand might be the very first time having action that day.

My solution would be to lower the cost of being hit by changing medic rules little bit whilst trying to keep it real simple and easy for the Events and players.

I suggest adding a card system for medics, lets say every medics have a black non see through bag filled with cards, around 10 green ones and 30 red ones. Ratio may vary upon how the events wants the balance to be. When hit player, as usual, call's the hit and raises dead rag. Now a medic has 10 minutes to start the treatment. When starting the treatment player pulls a card (without looking!) from medics bag. If the card is green player can continue playing straight away with no bandaids added and can be hit again. If hit again, player has to pull a card from medic bag and act correctly again. If the player pulls out a red card, normal medic rules apply and when hit again player is eliminated.

I would suggest that Berget Events creates the cards and bags same way they make the chrono tags for guns, so official medic cards would have Events logo and a maybe a ID number. Cards could be distributed to the players (to those wo have slected to be medics in ticket release) in a black plastic bag in check-in or via commanders at home base. Taking out the red cards or anyway manipulating the contets of the medic bag would be strictly forbidden of course.

Re: Medic Rules

Posted: 09 Oct 2015, 21:25
by MiqaFox
I have a better idea:
  • 1. Don't be an asshole and call your hits.
    2. If walking a few kilometers is too much to ask, stay home
It's easy as that, really. Way too many people come, expecting it to be a big weekend game.

Re: Medic Rules

Posted: 09 Oct 2015, 22:23
by vinni
Whilst I am a fan of variable hit severity -but if random, I prefer a D20, DM habits die hard- but it's hard to implement it in a large game.

That being said, a solid decision-making tool that makes the difference between *oh shit, let me stuff your intestines back in* and *it's just a scratch you big baby* would make a nice addition to the game if it can be made reliable.

On the other hand, it would suck for the snipers waiting hours for the perfect shot to then see their target shoulder-slapped back into the game.

Re: Medic Rules

Posted: 10 Oct 2015, 15:18
by Panzergraf
Increasing the number of times a medic can heal you from 1 to 2 (like it was at Berget 6 I think?) would be nice.
It would give a cohesive squad more staying power in the field, as long as they keep their medic alive.

Re: Medic Rules

Posted: 11 Oct 2015, 20:09
by vinni
I've been toying with the idea of non-medic players 'stabilising' wounded players by which they basically apply some type of treatment to extend the casualty's bleedout time, and with that the chance that a medic can arrive in time. But that can get overly complicated real fast.

Allowing medics to administer a 2nd heal might work, maybe limit those heals to specialised medics at the platoon level?

Re: Medic Rules

Posted: 16 Oct 2015, 19:14
by Arradin
vinni wrote:I've been toying with the idea of non-medic players 'stabilising' wounded players by which they basically apply some type of treatment to extend the casualty's bleedout time, and with that the chance that a medic can arrive in time. But that can get overly complicated real fast.

Allowing medics to administer a 2nd heal might work, maybe limit those heals to specialised medics at the platoon level?
Such a thing exist, its called a Turniquet :)
it cuts off bloodsupply, stopping the bleeding. but you will not be able to use that limb ( Trust me. I have tried them on myself several times during army medic training )

The problem with all such things in a airsoft games is as always - making sure the rules are followed in this great gentleman sport.


Re: Medic Rules

Posted: 18 Oct 2015, 13:27
by vinni
Actually that might be a nice idea, mock-up tourniquets.

Re: Medic Rules

Posted: 18 Oct 2015, 19:16
by M.Koho
Everyone is of course supposed to take their hits, and being honest should be encourage-able.

I kinda like the tourniquet idea too, great input guys! If we want to stick with the cards, they could also have different kind of situations, like "wounded to left arm and has a pneumothorax" and medic would have to act accordingly. In some games there is a rule that bandages need to applied to naked skin, that would also be nice.