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Posted: 20 Jun 2010, 21:50
by Crapgame
1. As a player on the dark/green (poldavian) side i must say that i think the desert camos in NAF actually worked in alot of places in the game area!

2. DONT skip armbands, they are important both for knowing who is who and for easy access to player ID.

3. for next year there should be a rule that says if a raincoat is on then the player should also have two colorued ribbons tied to the feet, cause it was really hard to know who was poldavian or not during the rainy days.

EDIT: spellcheck (and i got shot by friendly fire cause of the raincoats. i raised my gun at a friendly and he shot me first)

Posted: 20 Jun 2010, 22:46
by MrMedic
3. for next year there should be a rule that says if a raincoat is on the player should also have to colorued ribbons tied to the feet, cause it was really hard to know who was paoldavian or not during the rainy days.

Posted: 20 Jun 2010, 23:46
by Fenan
Skipping the armband would put an extra touch to the playing - and make it harder to sort friends from foe. I think there is some ID still needed to "easily" see who are friends and foes - I voted for the first alternative because I felt it was easy to find out who was enemy or not when they showed themselves. Armpatch or not - you can't see it on a player laying down.

one thing people can be better of is to put your deadrag on-your-head so flanking troops can see that you are shot out as well..... I've learned new ways to swear in french... ;)

Posted: 21 Jun 2010, 10:59
Stig wrote:One thing I encountered, was NAF wearing woodland ghillie suits. During a NAF base attack, one of them took especially advantage of this confusion.

He ran along Pols in the chaos, slapping them on the back and declaring a lot of knifekills before someone finally understood what was happening, and took him out.
...the only thing you forgot to say is that he was a SNIPER!

did you expect him to wear a desert ghillie :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 21 Jun 2010, 12:35
by grasulas
keep the cammo separated and lose the armband

Posted: 21 Jun 2010, 13:19
by SASTrouble
Desert in the woods sucks... If you really want camo restriktion...Dont choose desert in a wood area... BIG handicap...

Posted: 21 Jun 2010, 15:01
by running+sizzor
A lot of NAF players left due to lack of desert raingear.

About being seen... I had pollies almost standing ontop of me.
(And then spraying me with their support guns at point blanc when I scared the hell out of them when opening fire.)

I think the most effective naf players used multicam instead of "true" desert cammo.

Maybe next time digital vs non-digital?
So one side with ACU, MARPAT etc. against dpm, us woodland etc.

Posted: 21 Jun 2010, 18:07
by Cptn_Norman
I think the camo restrictions sucks bigtime, and that was one of the big downs for me at this years berget.
Bring back the nato vs. non-nato next year, please!
Regarding the armbands I (as so many others) really hate wearing it but at the same time I see a plusside by having them.
Why not please both sides and change the armband with a 8x8cm square patch?
that way the ID part stil is there, but not in the same "screaming" way as with the armband. The other advantage is that a patch is easier to switch when changing clothes (i.e. cold weather jackets, raingear etc).
And most military outfits allready comes with velcro on the arms!
Just my five cents...

Posted: 21 Jun 2010, 18:29
by Mimmi ^^
I'm satisfied that I could wear woodland, since desert and acu lights up in the forests and gives them a disadvantage. So I must say that NATO vs rest sounds more even. ^^ And armbands as patches to wear on the uniform sounds like a more "human" way of identifying the different sides. :) Much more conveniant as it means less work with the outfit as well. ^^

Posted: 21 Jun 2010, 18:51
by Touko
OD vs Camo works well too. OD is at a lesser disadvantage in most areas yet still clearly distinguishable from camo. Also, rain gear is easier to find in OD.

Several (poorer) real world armies and paramilitary forces fight in OD so it would be quite realistic. Also, SRP fought in all OD at Berget 7 and at least I was quite happy with our OD uniforms.


PS. Keep the armbands. Especially the darker reds and blues are such colours that you only notice the band after you've noticed the movement. There were too many friendly fire incidents even as it was now.

PSS. Most of the NAF uniforms seemed to blend in well enough, though I rarely was at the very frontline. Didn't seem all that big an advantage as it has been made out to be, but that's just my opinion from my point of view. Guys who actually wore desert camo may know better ;)

Posted: 21 Jun 2010, 19:00
by Pierrem
Desert camo was really bad in this kind of area. Especially the "night" where our camo were flashing like Christmas trees in the middle of the forest. This should be changed for next year.

Maybe we can do a top desert, bottom wood for one team and top wood, and bottom desert for the other team.

Posted: 21 Jun 2010, 20:44
by Joppe(NO)
I think the camo restrictions worked pretty well. Alot of the NAF camo was surprisingly hard to spot, especially the multicam, ACU and similar patterns with other colours than simply different tones of tan. The DDPM on the other hand... yeah, someone have already mentioned christmas trees... :P

Posted: 21 Jun 2010, 22:10
by jdoe
The idea is good, but the way it was done, was not.

I felt sorry for the NAF players, they were easy to spot apart from places with really thick undergrowth.

I would still go with the armbands in the less-MilSim games.

Posted: 21 Jun 2010, 22:52
by Lentus
One way is to have one team with "citycamo" and one with "desertcamo". Now one of the sides was "here I am, shoot me" and the other was "I´m not here, I´m one with the forest". Two different camo is a good idea, but not completly fair.

Posted: 21 Jun 2010, 23:47
by Goggan
Thhere was a lot of stupied young computer fighters whom shot automatic fire att in the head in less then 10feet,
the camo or armbands dont stop idiots, that DONT UNDERSTAND that we use soft,guns. :x

I have no problems id my enemys, does who try too shoot me...

and as a civil in the game it were every one the first 24 houres.

that shit upp the game,

the first 24 every one should operate on strikt BE orders so vi can work out our soldier/LARP rolls,

or scrap civ. and just clasch two teams and be like every aother game.

And berget dollars... what were you thinking, berget 7 suppled casino and massage wy did civ robe with no gain this year....?