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PSYOPS/Civilian - Medics :)

Posted: 21 Jun 2010, 02:27
by Baron
I am Dr. Oleg Below and I'm a Psyops member acting as a Doctor in the field of General Practioner. Survivor from the Bashir City explosion that destroyed our Hospital.

I am Dr. Aaron Kornov and I'm a Psyops member acting as a Doctor in the field of Surgery. Survivor from the Bashir City explosion that destroyed our Hospital.

Yes people, the two medics wearing white Doctor robes where infact Psyops in undercover. I must admit that we faced several interesting challenges along our road to help the Poldavians. I enjoyed playing this part since it gave me and my friend a completely new game option, than the usual "aim and fire". Most of the Poldavians, including the Psyops members already asigned undercover, didn't know the other Psyops members sent out wearing civilian clothing. So during our time in the civilian base we quickly discovered possible psyops members acting as undercover. And with a quick deductable strategy we made gambles and took contact. And we where right. We found a total of 4 Psyops members impersonating as civilians. When roleplaying you really have to listen to the stories being told and try to deduct if they are true. An armband can no longer act as proof, you need to interogate and ask questions. Doing a body search is the best way, since we may carry items that will give us away - or perhaps a Psyops ID badge ;)

We where placed in the Civilian Arrest back at Psyops Base along with several other civilians. And we had recieved orders to get as much information as possible from the inmates before we where given the choice to escape. when in the camp we wrote down ID badges for trouble makers and texted them using sms to our commanders. We also gathered as much information about the civilian base, from which we hadn't seen anything off. So the more information we recieved the better. After about 2 hours of game time on wednesday the clock turned to early thursday and a guard came and asked for 4 prisoners and 2 doctors. Naturally me and my friend got picked as doctors. We where supposed to heal downed troops and no medics wanted to approach, so they decided to use us as cannon fodder. Atleast that's the story they told. In fact a civilian member had bribed the guards and the psyops saw it fit to let us out too.
Four guards acted as our escort and when we where in an area that couldn't be spotted by the guards from the outpost, the two guards in the rear shoot the guards in the front and released us all. We took to the woods and went to safe zone. there we picked up our weapons and medical supplies. Our ID badges hidden safely away.

We waited for an hour or so letting the other escaped civilians get to the Civilian base first. To act as our insurance when we get there so they could vouch that we had escaped. During that hour we managed to track down 2 others psyops members that we joined when returning to make it look more realistic. We moved to the Scrapyard and found Poldavians from the 1st holding the point. They seemed hostile till we explained our mission and proved our identity with the Psyops card. We had to pass a total of 3 checks along the route from the Safe Zone car park and the Green Zone civilian base. We than moved through the woods and was spotted by 3 NAF members that asked us our purpose and this is where the roleplaying part started. Telling the story and told them that we had bribed the poldavians to let us through. They than showed us the Civilian base and we got in contact with someone that took care of us. They asked questions about the Poldavian base, naturally we told it as accuratly as we wanted - with a few exagerations. We recieved a tent where we could sleep, and as we went there we heard words that resembled "Psyops" and we got a little edgy but didn't give in to look at the source of the mouthed words. And this was when the other escaped civilian recognized us and came to give us a handshake. Shortly after that the animosity from the civilians vanished. We went to sleep after texting the grid location and estimated population in the base to our commander.

Thursday morning.

We wake up and get some snack, also talked with some of the civilians. We marked a Drug Lord as a target for the Poldavians by giving a detailed description. Later in the game we found him with a bloody nose and bruises on his face - right side. He'd been giving a go at by the Poldavians in a civlian raid. If that was our doing or not someone else will have to tell us.

We located a Gypsy girl ranting about nonsence and was carrying something interesting, a weapon of some sorts that wasn't to be shown under any cirumstances. Of course we had to stage a scene for the complete opposite to find out what was in the bag. A local TV team was there aswell and wanted to make a video with how the NAF are treating the civilians and guarding them from the Poldavians. So they tagged along with the Gypsy girl and we waited for a few minutes, in that time we purchased some drugs from the drug lord. Cheap price for the drugs, we might add. But an interesting factor for the game.

As the minutes passed we noticed a large convoy of troops leaving the NAF 23rd Base. We immediatly texted the amount of troops, vehicles and their direction. This is most likely the famous thursday morning massacre at 1st Poldavian/15th Psyops base - of which the Poldavians won :D

We get to the NAF 23rd gate and notices that the other civilians - TV crew and gypsy girl are being searched and interviewed. We stand back a little and wait for a guard to approach us. After some time one decided to do just that. We start lying. We tell them that the civilians may have some civil unrest against the NAF since they can't protect them good enough from the Poldavians. And that the Gypsy girl is carrying some kind of weapon that the local Drug Lord did NOT want anyone to see. This was enough to worry the guard. He ran back, told his superior whom in turn moved the girl aside and began a complete new search. In the search they found a gun of some kind. about 1.500 Berget Dollar hidden, shapped as a roll with a plastic band around it. And small stripes with sentances, most if it was made up of jibberish. Later in the game someone among the Psyops found out that she could perhaps see the future and wanted her captured and tested. If anyone ever did I don't know. I hope someone will tell their tale if so.

After that we recieved good credits with the NAF guards, so good in fact that we could hide behind the base defences in case of an attack. We made several mental notes of possible attacks and some areas that laid in deadspots. Naturally this information gathering was the job of my matey Dr Aaron Koronov, he's educated in such intel gathering in real life ;)

We stayed with the guards and recieved alot of important information such as names and other locations. When we where denied entrance to the base since Blackwolf, their commander had the last word in such cases and came back with a deadrag on his head and no one willing to take up command and give a yes or no, we left the camp promising to return. Our request was entrance to their base for more protection in return for healing.

We decided to walk back and bring our sleeping equipment and move it close to the NAF area. They said it was Ok to leave it behind the barricades and wait till we got a yes or no from Blackwolf. when we returned back to the Civilian base a group of two civilians started to talk to us and we tagged along. They asked us who we where and what we are doing with the NAF. I told them we where looking for supplies since the civilian where running low on supplies, medical supplies to be precise. This was the information we'd recieved from the Drug Lord and various others civilians so we took it to be true. They seemed to agree and they told us about the Mercs and what they where doing. We followed them along a road that leads away from the civilian base and there we found a new base, belonging to the Civilian mercinaries. We log the amount of people we see and mark the spot on the grid ready to be sent towards our Commander. And here comes the part that really made me worried and extremely anxious.

Someone among the Mercinaries orderd a search and they soon started going through our stuff. The one that searched me brought up a white pack of hayfever pills. He asked me about them and I explained to him what it was. If he had opened that box he would've found a small green plastic ID card. Depicting me as a Psyops member. If he'd opened that box my story would've been very short, aswell as my friends story. But he didn't open. We where safe.
We offered them healings and gave our number to one member incase they needed us. We left their area and moved back to the tent that had our sleeping gear. We than noticed an other person wearing medical robes. She's sitting at the tent and we start to commune as we pack our items. She says that she's from Poldavia looking for radioactive material. We didn't know what do with the information. She was clearly not a Psyops members since she so openly said she belonged to Poldavia. She was using equipment to find uranium, she was basing this on a tip that there would be radioactive material in the area.

We decided to bring her along as we approached the NAF base again. On the way there she went and talked to several other civilians about this rumour of hers. But it appeared she hadn't found anything usefull. When at the NAF base we where allowed our usual seats, waiting for someone to take the time and help us. She explained her proffession and they didn't seem to take her seriousness. We on the other hand saw it usefull to find this uranium and use it against the NAF. We stayed for a half hour before we left again, leaving the female doctor with the NAF. We never saw her after that but spread a description to some Poldavians that we meet. Later in the game we found that the Psyops where looking for her aswell, if that was our doing or not we don't know that either.

After carefull consideration we left the base and went to the local city to get ourself a hot meal and some refreshments before returning back to wage war using Propaganda and lies.

When we returned we found several wounded civilians, Merc Civilians to be exact. We healed them, in an attempt to increase our reputation with them. We hope it worked. We than moved to the NAF base and talked to the guards, they knew of us and our request. After they talked to Blackwolf they let us in. Naturally after doing a preliminary check of us. We than got inside and my friend Dr Aaron Koronov began his scan of the area and possible attack routes. Shortly after we got inside the base a shooting started, apparently one of their prisoners(they'd captured a few Poldavians) got a hold of a gun and shoot 2-3 guards. in return they where all maimed down. We approched and told that we could heal them. That's when we saw our intel commander. He'd told us that he was doing a recon mission with some soldiers, we'd heard that on a conversation taking place only 30 minutes earlier. Luckly for us, he'd been shoot once before and couldn't be healed. He went for spawn. We healed the others, gaining trust with the NAF 23 since we suggested that we could heal them and they could interrogate them. It was a necessary sacrifice.

We got a tent in the NAF 23 base and stashed our stuff in there. No longer than 10 minutes after our arrival we had to follow a NAF 23rd group out to aid the civilians that where being attacked by the Poldavians. This was a big issue for the two of us. We didn't know if we should kill the NAF soldiers on the move before they arrived. But quickly ruled it out since they where so many. When fighting and a NAF member went down we clearly told them we won't heal as long as their is fighting, this forced the NAF members to take care of their own. We never healed a single NAF member. Only Civilians and Poldavians. We didn't see the Poldavians much and spent most of our time healing the civilians along with the NAF forces. This if not something must've upped our reputation with both sides. They than moved down towards the Scrapyard. Since no one was holding it at the moment. So Civilians and NAF seiged it. I was sending messages to my commander about information and positions of the NAF forces. No one even seemed to question my obvious overusage of the phone. We stayed here for about 30-45 min before the order to move out came. I than notified high command that there was now roughly 10 civilians guarding the Scrapyard.

On our way back we meet up with some Poldavians moving through the woods and ambushes the NAF. They shoot some and naturally we still refused to help in a combat situation till the combat was over and it was safe to heal. And yet again their medics had to heal. We also argued that our white medical robes would act as big white beacons in the woods. As if things couldn't get worse we get a call from the Psyops commander telling us of a disease plagueing the camp. So we left in a hurry with a quick made up story.

Back at Safe zone a car waited and drove us up. We found several of our Poldavians brothers being sick from a disease. We started with simple information gathering of the diseased personal. It was clear that they'd digested something, either the water or food contamination. And than something hit me, I'd heard something in the civilian base that someone was going to poison the water. After injecting 3 subjects with a laxative liquid, hoping to get the water quickly through the system and deny the entestine to take up the water. We than took 3 new subjects and tested another method, we gave them some pills from the drug lord to see if they could perhaps offer a different angle. One subject immedietly went into spasm and felt ill. He waved upon responsive and unresponsive. He died shortly after. Any further test was not made. We'd recieved a report that other doctors where coming here to. Captured Civilians. I was going to prepare as much for them as possible so that the deseased Poldavians could return to fighting again. I took a blood sample and a saliva sample.

Shortly after the samples where taken the doctors came and we hurried them over to the infected soldiers. They where as baffled as we where. I showed the samples and they wanted to travel back to their base for testing. I quickly realized they wouldn't have enough time. I wanted the Poldavian woman that made research on the radioactive material. Perhaps she had a cure. So soon an immense search for her was underway. The doctors from the civilian base suggested that we should boil the water and see if the effects changed. The Poldavian Commander overheard this and asked if me and my friend could solve this disease. As any soldier with a backbone we said yes.

To our surprise he said the following:

"Good, than you(pointing to a few guards) and you take these other doctors and shoot them". The civilian doctor managed to persuade them to hold of the execution, after a long converstaion. So his assistant was left in the Psyops prison as a bargaining chip. We than started boiling water to kill whatever was in there. But experiments showed that particles survied the heat and still gave people cramps and internal pains. An Engineer soon told us that the water supply was in fact originating from a lake nearby and passed through several purifying pipes. But the virus was small enogh to filter through. We than notified the commander whom in turn fixed an escort and we surveyed the entire lake. We missed the poison the first turn and decided to broaden the search and we than found them. We brought them back to base and made new experiments to an antidote if this would occur again. During our absense soldiers had started shooting themselves rather than sucumbing to their disease. One would argue that they where cowards, I look at it they they killed themselves to spare the time of putting guards and time to heal him.

** on a side note I must congratulate the soldiers that played their part as diseased troopers. When people came into the Psyops they screamed that they had abdominal pains. We made them stop and get down on their knees. Followed by putting their fingers in ther mouth trying to vomit up as much of the water they digested as possible. And one guy had water with him. Took a mouthfull and pretended to vomit. Well done mate! :D RPG FTW :D **

In short summary we went to NAF 23rd and picked up our gear. We told Blackwolf that the Poldavians where very happy with our work and that they wanted us to stay permanently in their base, if this would ever occur again. We also told him that we would notify him if troops left the camps. So he could be prepared. Of course we would tell the truth the first 2-3 times. And inform the troopers that they are aware of their approach. And than completely dumbfound them. He agreed to this and we left.

But than came the rain and we didn't stay for Friday. I spent the first hour standing at the gate as my friend went and picked up the car. We than stashed all our stuff in the car. He had gotten all his equipment soaked.

Posted: 21 Jun 2010, 02:42
by Klab
Damn, I knew I should have shot you marijuana scientist already at the berget shop :?

Posted: 21 Jun 2010, 02:43
by Baron
Klab wrote:Damn, I knew I should have shot you marijuana scientist already at the berget shop :?
haha :P I'm sure we will recieve several of those comments ;)

Posted: 21 Jun 2010, 02:50
by L4gi
I neutralized the gypsy girl Saturday morning as requested by the PsyOps commandant. She was carrying a few hundred BE dollars and a picture of the Resistance leader, MrMedic.

Posted: 21 Jun 2010, 02:59
by Baron
L4gi wrote:I neutralized the gypsy girl Saturday morning as requested by the PsyOps commandant. She was carrying a few hundred BE dollars and a picture of the Resistance leader, MrMedic.
Thank you for that information mate :) I never knew what happend to her. Glad someone grabbed her. So again, wel done :D

Re: PSYOPS/Civilian - Medics :)

Posted: 21 Jun 2010, 12:40
by Dark_Eden
Baron wrote:
Someone among the Mercinaries orderd a search and they soon started going through our stuff. The one that searched me brought up a white pack of hayfever pills. He asked me about them and I explained to him what it was. If he had opened that box he would've found a small green plastic ID card. Depicting me as a Psyops member. If he'd opened that box my story would've been very short, aswell as my friends story. But he didn't open. We where safe.
Guess who ordered the search? :P

Posted: 21 Jun 2010, 12:49
by Bilich
Are you those guys that had ´ Doctors without money ´ IDs :D

Posted: 21 Jun 2010, 14:46
by Baron
I'm afraid we wern't, I noticed some other people also acting as doctors. We had ID in a plastic folder hanging from our breat pocket along with a foto and our names plus what hospital we wored in. :)

Posted: 21 Jun 2010, 15:31
by MrMedic
The Doctors without cash where in fact the Sixth Mercs version of PsyOps.
I will let them tell their own story, they pulled some rather neat stunts.

Posted: 21 Jun 2010, 16:33
by Bilich
MrMedic wrote:The Doctors without cash where in fact the Sixth Mercs version of PsyOps.
I will let them tell their own story, they pulled some rather neat stunts.
I wanted to shoot those guys but they were talking ´We are only doctors , let us go... ´ and our commander let them go..

Next time every doctor is a target :D

Posted: 21 Jun 2010, 19:25
by Svansst?mper
I KNEW there was something up with you doctors... fortunately I never got sick :P

Too bad about friday though, it was the same for me. Nest time I'll pack everything in plastic bags, and then in the rucksacks. Just to be sure.
(guess it will never rain at berget again then...)

Also, it seems as if the PSYOPS gyus had a lot of fun!! I think it's time to look for a new unit for next berget.... 8)

Posted: 21 Jun 2010, 21:26
by CannonFodder
We marked a Drug Lord as a target for the Poldavians by giving a detailed description. Later in the game we found him with a bloody nose and bruises on his face - right side.

Actually I did it to myself in Psyops-base. I carried the make-up kit on me on Thursday. We were never in Psyops, though, just sold them some info.
...we gave them some pills from the drug lord to see if they could perhaps offer a different angle.
One subject immedietly went into spasm and felt ill. He waved upon responsive and unresponsive.
He died shortly after.
Hmh. Must have od'd 8) Our other customers were quite happy with our merchandise. Ah well...
But frankly, if you really could use the pills for a stunt like that I am extremely happy; we did not make the props for nothing

Posted: 21 Jun 2010, 21:27
by L4gi
CannonFodder wrote:Our other customers were quite happy with our merchandise.
I feel the 1000 bergetdollars I spent was well worth 5 packs of what ever it is I got! The Taliban also liked it. Hehe :D

Posted: 22 Jun 2010, 09:07
by FallenGuard
Were you the Guys with the white Flag (The mobile respawn)?

Posted: 22 Jun 2010, 12:18
by Jessica-Marie
L4gi wrote:I neutralized the gypsy girl Saturday morning as requested by the PsyOps commandant. She was carrying a few hundred BE dollars and a picture of the Resistance leader, MrMedic.
You did mess you a few things for me because of that. >_< Not very nice, no.