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Posted: 04 Jul 2011, 22:31
by whiskey
Lanzo wrote: Well it kind of shows how little YOU actually know;) we where 2 UN soldiers in the bank protecting the UN commander in there....
You killed the UN MP chief outside the Bank but the UN Commander was still inside the bank when you killed the MP chief and i got taken prisoner by the Russians in 3rd :wink: the russians who searched the Bank did not find him under the counter and jackets i put over him.

When i was taken prisoner i was not searched or asked for any information just knifekilled outside the church.
so where/when exactly did a civilian kill the UN commander to prevent the Russians from taking him alive?? :o

Posted: 04 Jul 2011, 23:45
by freno
The "second wave" of Pold was just so eager, that they investigated the bank once again...

I was under the desk, and some clothes over me. They captured me, took me to their leader and executed me...
So it was Pold CO who killed me!

This was one of my most intence moment at this game...

Posted: 05 Jul 2011, 01:00
by Armalite5.56
I don't know if it was the firm or just ordinary civilians but on Wednesday night me and my squad were going towards what I believe was the NAF base or a bunker close by it. When we saw a NAF soldier (Im guessing NAF but could have been UN) walking away from us in the distance around a slight bend in the road to the left, also straight ahead of us there were a group of civilians on some rocks, when we opened fire on the NAF soldier, the civilians started shooting on us because I'm guessing they thought we were shooting at them, after that we killed the civilians and then moved onto the NAF bunker but then we all eventually got killed and walked back to our base for a nice sleep.

P.S. Robin-Hood just informed me that they were definitely just plain civilians.

This I'm guessing is where the hostilities started for us Paldovians towards the civilians, certainly it made us extremely weary of all of you guys walking around by the coffee plantation and talking on your radios... But the major thing was definitely the mass slaughter by UN and the firm + I'm guessing civilians of most of TANGO company wanting to march through Janco on Friday, but that was down to a messed up radio transmission..

Our company commander had said "If they go BOOM BOOM, take them out" whilst our squad leader was being interrogated by the UN 2IC I believe but what came out of his radio was "BOOM BOOM take them out!!" which was apparently when the UN commander there decided to kill the entire Paldovian company.. all because of our company commander not pressing the transmit button in time....

when that was happening i was standing literally 6-7 meters outside Jenco with my M4 in the air and my magazine out... if that is not a sign of surrender I don't know what is..

All we wanted was a lift back to base because we had gotten lead the wrong way out of the game area and we needed a break really badly.. and had no water left and felt just generally demoralized.. then getting hosed by the township of Jenco didn't do much to improve the situation..

After that it was shoot first and ask questions later pretty much but I did make the mistake of asking a NAF patrol to identify themselves and I got shot pretty badly..

Posted: 05 Jul 2011, 01:50
by BetaCat
Armalite5.56 wrote:Our company commander had said "If they go BOOM BOOM, take them out" whilst our squad leader was being interrogated by the UN 2IC I believe but what came out of his radio was "BOOM BOOM take them out!!" which was apparently when the UN commander there decided to kill the entire Paldovian company.. all because of our company commander not pressing the transmit button in time....
I was there as a Firm member with my squad and few other squads. I remember hearing something like "...ready to go BOOM..." or "...BOOM take them out..." and I quess others heard that too thinking the same thing as I did "an ambush" or "an suicide bomb". That is when I heard the order to shoot you all. And that is what we did. I am sorry for that. All that for an error in radio communication etc.

Still, I had a great experience at Saturday, when I got captured apparently just after the Poldavians capturing the UN base. I had been informed that Poldavians had hired the Firm to guard the Janco village. A part of my squad went from the South side of the village (that part did get to the office undisturbed) and other part from Northern side of the UN base. I was in the last one.

At first I were told that we can go to the Janco as long as we take our mags off of our weapons. So we did. Then a few Poldavians escorted us towards the village. When we reached the UN base we were suddenly ordered to our knees. Our weapons were confiscated and we were taken as prisoners to the UN base. The Poldavian soldier, who were escorting us, told us he were sorry but he's orders were just changed. Even that blew our ongoing mission (because it had a timeframe) we enjoyed the show.

I believe that it was Yasirotta (or someone who looked like him) who came the shortly after that and knifekilled many Poldavians (in the middle of the huge group of Poldavians) before he was captured and executed. I am sorry that they performed the execution behind us and we were not allowed to see that. Still, that civilian were LARPing that role to the end and we liked the show.

We do hope that LARP continues to be part of the biggame and other participants don't ruin the gameplay of the LARPers.

Still, as they say in Berget homepage: "Keep in mind that not everyone likes LARP, do not be pissed off if not all players LARP back."
And they do tip the speedball players aswell: "Change the style of play or stay home!"

Posted: 05 Jul 2011, 01:53
by Baron
Tiger_1 wrote:I dont know about the rest of people, but I came to berget to play airsoft, I came to have big fights with other airsofters that offered me as a commander a tactical challenge, I did NOT come to berget to watch a small nr of players play dress up and having to give up my weapon for the privilege!!!!
I am sure being a civilian in a real war zone is hell, well, you got to live a fraction of that, stuff it in your LARP pipe and smoke it!!!
-1 to tiger_1's comment (Hope BE never pick you as commander again, you're single minded, with no regard for other peoples wishes.)

@Ryu, you have PM :)

+1 BetaCat (last few sentances of your post :) )

Posted: 05 Jul 2011, 02:10
by DutchWolf
Tiger_1 wrote:I dont know about the rest of people, but I came to berget to play airsoft, I came to have big fights with other airsofters that offered me as a commander a tactical challenge, I did NOT come to berget to watch a small nr of players play dress up and having to give up my weapon for the privilege!!!!
I am sure being a civilian in a real war zone is hell, well, you got to live a fraction of that, stuff it in your LARP pipe and smoke it!!!
This comment really amazed me. They pick you for a batallion commander? Might wanna check your sight alignment there BE-Crew...

Isn't a Berget game all about the mil/comsim of the conflict between two factions, the civilians cought in the middle and the UN trying to protect the civies?

What I gathered as a humble NAF soldier, the Poldavians were the evil opressors and we were the liberators. Unintentionally maybe, but you guys played that role beautifully. Mind you, Tiger_1's post kind of states that was the Polly intention from the start.

I also have to say the NAF commanders did a great job getting all our eyes in the same direction when it came to ROE, but also the 'why'.

Part of the problem might come from the problem Hornet pointed out:
Hornet wrote:We NAF also had that same feeling as BE had pooled everything against us,
By the way we were approximately 350 NAF players in total, and a BE GM told me Poldava were 600+ players.
We were outnumbered almost 2:1, the UN 6:1....this is a serious balancing issue to begin with, and when you then go off murdering civies and picking fights with the UN it's only logical everyone gangs up on you guys. Not that it mattered really, if we had 350 and UN had +/- 100 that meant you guys still had a 150 people more.

For the record this was my first Berget game. Forgive any typo's and terribly written sentences, it's two in the morning and we just got home a couple hours ago.

Posted: 05 Jul 2011, 03:03
by Karko
It was actually 450 NAF apprximately, from what I counted from the player list. To that, you add up the 170 finnish Zansian Black Ops that balanced the game for NAF and were technicly your friends/allies.

We spent the whole Thursday kicking Poldavian ass by being sent to a 14 hour mission to capture most of the easten part of the whole game area and then hand it over to you guys to take care of during the night. Not to mention we were never attacking against NAF during our undercover either, in The Firm clothes. Poldavia was always our enemy.

Posted: 05 Jul 2011, 08:39
by A_Muller
Yes, there were 450 REGISTERED players, but for example, NAF 3rd Rangers lost over 50% of all registered players. They didn't even show up.
My PLATOON consisted of 9, I say again 9 guys.

Now, I don't mind fighting outnumbered and outgunned, I'm just stating the facts?

Posted: 05 Jul 2011, 09:21
by zigge
Our company commander had said "If they go BOOM BOOM, take them out" whilst our squad leader was being interrogated by the UN 2IC I believe but what came out of his radio was "BOOM BOOM take them out!!" which was apparently when the UN commander there decided to kill the entire Paldovian company.. all because of our company commander not pressing the transmit button in time....

As the highest ranking UN personal at the scene
i was asked to talk with the Poldavian man i charge
and in radio communication with his boss.
they were kindly asked to turn around and walk away
and they wood have been able to go without hostle action
against them

The order from poldavian commander was:"Ok get ready to go boom"
to me that sound like an order to attack Janco city or and the troop stopping them(us)
so i ordered everybody to open up against you instead of waiting for you guys to make the fist mowe.

at that time we had been under constant attacks from poldavians
for some time including an incounter wiht a sniper team attacking UN
just minutes before you guys showed up
and wanted us to be polite and give you passage threw town
(Sorry for bad english)
Zigge 6mm.

Posted: 05 Jul 2011, 10:08
by Tiger_1
The point of my post was a reply to the thread starter, that seemed to blame Poldavian forces for spoiling his whole game.
Berget as a game contains a LOT of diffrent aspeks, and yes, it gives room for most styles of gameplay, BUT the majority of players are there to play airsoft, not to larp or to do milsim. Berget even states this in its information before you booked a ticket.
This will lead to things like the episodes descriped before in this thread. The only way you can try to avoide it is to descripe Berget as a LARP or a Milsim game, but this is as far as I know, not a thing Berget wishes to do (would mean a lot less players comming).

So you might think that my comments was becouse I do not worry about other players, but I can assure you that is not the case. It was made becouse I wanted to point out that Berget 9 was NOT made for the LARP players.

As for ROE, my unit was given updated ROE as often as we had a chance, and they ALLWAYS contained orders to treat civilans as neutral. Unfortutatly, some things do happen, like the church inisident, that was neither cleared with, or orderd by higher command levels. When I was told of it, I maid it clear to the involved unit that I thought that was stupid and counterproductiv for the game, not becouse it spoiled LARP, but becouse it would cause MORE civilans shooting at us.......

Posted: 05 Jul 2011, 10:28
by Trasher-HU
DutchWolf wrote:This comment really amazed me. They pick you for a batallion commander? Might wanna check your sight alignment there BE-Crew...
Tiger_1 performed so badly that BE picked him as BCO for second time. ;)

Berget is NOT a milsim, nor a LARP game...

Posted: 05 Jul 2011, 11:04
by Rhyn0
Being Recon platoon leader, i have relayed orders from Tiger countless times, and EVERY single time ROE against civilians was: Neutral, only fire if fired upon( only exception was day 2 evening when they were clearly friendly with NAF, and supporting each other)
Premature attack on Janco on last day was not sanctioned by HQ, same as blowing up the civilians in the Church.

I personally have had contact with only 1 civilian (non-firm) who was wandering around the hill south of janco where my sq was ambushing NAF elements, and i called him and said that he was in a combat area and that he should get the hell out.. he thanked me and left the area. that was it.

In first day, same hill, UN were fighting some "civilian bandits" over our heads, luckyly they didn't spot out OP, then since day 2 we we're always fired upon by UN without hesitation, there was never any doubt theat they were enemies and not Neutral as they should have been.

A NAF patrol that we ambushed and decimated called for UN reinforcements from Janco which eventually took us out.

I also think that giving UN blue armbands and a ridiculously small patch for ID was a mistake, if they didn't have their blue berets/helmets on( and most time they didn't have them) it was very hard to ID.. he had to let them close to 15 meters to our killzone before we could ID them.

Due to the very agressive UN policy i was unable to get into JANCO at all, we only saw it after UN killed us as off-game, which is a shame.


Posted: 05 Jul 2011, 11:23
by parresurre1
I had a really great first Berget playing as a NAF 3rd Ranger mostly because of the many new great friends I met there. My opinion is that the NAF forces really tried to follow the story and orders given by our commanders.

I had two really bad encounters though. The first one was when I shot a russian poldavian soldier that not had detected me. I used my pistol due to the short range. When he got hit he faced towards me and said " You cant kill me, Im Superman " then he unload a burst from his carbine that went through my shirt and almost got stuck in my arm causing several bleeding wounds. After that he disappeared into the forest..

The other also involved russians unfortunatly. It was in one of the bigger attack on the NAF base. I had hide in a heavy vegetated ditch on the road leading up to the camp waiting for the Poldavians to pass by and then attack them from behind. when a Russian platoon passed me I saw a great opportunity to take out a big part of their platoon. I opened fire and hit at least 12-15 poldavians at close range ( 10-12 meters ) Only one of them took the hit the others just looked at me and carried on forward. Just after the incident (5 secs ) I was shot several times from another direction where a group of five other poldavians appeared. I took the hit and bled out.

I decided not to make a scene screaming about armband nr and so on because that would mess up the sim for all the players following the rules in that attack.

These two incidents however made a great negative impact in the overall experience from Berget 9 for me. Im not used that players so deliberatly break the rules.

I will of course be on Berget 10, just have to learn how to not care about the deliberate cheaters in a big game like this.

To all you guys( of all fractions ) following the rules, thanks for a great event and I hope to meet you all again next year.

Posted: 05 Jul 2011, 12:03
by NIN
+1 to you Eden with that attitude I bet you have tons of fun at all our games. With 1600 people on site a few are bound to be assholes or just plain stupid. Play with all the others who are not. Chose to remember what was fun and try to forget any wrongdoings. Help us help you by taking down armbandnumbers of people who bend, break or just dont understand our rules.

Love the feedback you are giving and try to keep the thread constructive.

Posted: 05 Jul 2011, 12:20
by vitex
Dear parresurre1.
I hope you understand that all you said is a VERY serious blame.
What kind clairvoyance you own to make sure it was exactly Russian players?
You saw the patches? More then it, do you now how the patch of Russian players looks like?????
I think you should be very sure about all this things before posting such kind of blamings on official forum.
And one more thing - what kind of "Rembo" you are to be sure to hit 10-12 troops with one low-cap magazine???
Anyway, all issues should be solved right on field.
You solve the issue on field or just forget it, thats how we play airsoft in Russia.
So, if you do not have armband ID of players you blaming just be quite and stop whining.
My team have lot of issues about cheating and breaking the rules, the most of them was solved on field and reported to BE. And I amnot whining here about it an do not blame here some "certain nations"
3rd Pol
1st Coy XO