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The BAVS hit reccivers on cars.

Posted: 04 Jul 2011, 08:51
by Berget-events
What was your experience with those. Where your car hit? Did you take out a car?

Posted: 04 Jul 2011, 09:31
by spin_t
Artillery truck was hit once by a BAV,in my opinion is the best way to deal with the ingame vehicles.
Except the noise,an aditional smoke device will increase the realism .

Posted: 04 Jul 2011, 09:46
by Grishka
Took out 3 cars on 3 different occasion, the system works quite well !

just the rules about repairing the vehicles should be more clear

Posted: 04 Jul 2011, 09:50
by kyosuke
works like a charm,
i think however its quite exspensive to rent compared to buying.

Posted: 04 Jul 2011, 09:56
by Waldo
there should be some at4s porovided by berget for every unit. The artillery never had at-guns so we where without chances against cars...

Posted: 04 Jul 2011, 10:27
by JKangas
Never shot the things but they seemed to work ok, even with the unit that we had flashing "turn key" occasionally on reset. They seemed to cause some interference with CB radios though.

The one time our van was hit it happened while driving past a jeep + a checkpoint so the shot must have been coming from a pretty close range.

Overall the system worked much better than in B8 where a half-squad was able to stop almost all vehicles with concentrated fire to the driver window , and which tended to have drivers go faster than max 30 km/h speed. With the road network in Härnösand area being basically a ring, this would pretty much guarantee that no vehicles would get around the area at all.

With BAVS system it was thrilling to take chances with roadside sentry points and try to guess whether they have AT capabiity or not.

Posted: 04 Jul 2011, 11:53
by JudgementDay
As far as I heard from our vehicle crews in NAF 1st Mech, they worked really well. We both took and dished out our hits, and although additional smoke would have been nice for the extra ambience and atmosphere

I also fully agree with JKangas that making every vehicle "armoured" to a degree that required AT weapons for each of them is just much better than having to go around with your windows open and waiting for the driver to get covered in high-velocity BBs.

- Although I have to admit that people seemed to have a hard time letting go that old habit, and still kept shooting the windshields and driver and passenger windows whenever they could; some people went for plain penetration kills there, and actually pierced through the plexi-glas of several vehicles or cracked the windshields in some places, which I found unnecessary, to be honest.

I also agree with Grishka about the vehicle rules still needing more attention and more balancing, but I like the direction things are going right now - looking forward to even more refined rules and more awesome vehicle combat in Berget10 ! :)

Oh, and @ Waldo: I agree, though to my knowledge it was in the responsibility of each Batallion commander to order AT weapons for his batallion from BE - in NAF, all three BatCos had ordered AT weapons, and BE provided some (like, 1 per batallion :)) to be handed out to the soldiers.

Posted: 04 Jul 2011, 12:02
by A_Muller
I did see lots of vehichles with rolled down windows not taking normal BB hits. Could vehichle crew only be taken out by a BAVS?
To me rolling with windows down is done at their own risk of getting hit.

Posted: 04 Jul 2011, 12:04
by foxone
- Although I have to admit that people seemed to have a hard time letting go that old habit, and still kept shooting the windshields and driver and passenger windows whenever they could; some people went for plain penetration kills there, and actually pierced through the plexi-glas of several vehicles or cracked the windshields in some places, which I found unnecessary, to be honest.
The problem was that there never really was any clear answer from Berget, whether or not vehicles declared as unarmored or light armored could be taken out by a burst on the windshield. I asked some players if this was possible, the day i arrived, and over the half said yes, 2 said no and the rest didn't know either.

Personally, the only reason i didn't try to shoot a driver through his windshield, was that i never got close enough to any vehicle.

But since you said that some plexi-glass windows where piered, and windshields cracked, i have to say i agree with you, that such things are unnecessary. Hope we get clearer rules next year, so really everybody understands them.

Posted: 04 Jul 2011, 12:13
by Panzergraf
Our vehicle got taken out plenty of times, and we got a few kills with out launcher as well. No problems with the BAVS, our receiver worked well throughout the game. This was the receiver borrowed from Tiger_1 btw.
Our sister-vehicle had some problems with their BAVS, with it flashing "Turn Key", but it worked itself out in the end.

Over all, I'm impressed with how the BAVS system works.
The only problem, I think, is the width of the launcher-beam. It's maybe a bit too easy to hit, and you can easily get multiple kills with one shot.

Some launchers have longer range too, it seems. On saturday we were taken out at 80m by the UN Checkpoint. Our launcher was measured to an exact 50m range at OP Pinky in Norway last year.

JudgementDay wrote:- Although I have to admit that people seemed to have a hard time letting go that old habit, and still kept shooting the windshields and driver and passenger windows whenever they could; some people went for plain penetration kills there, and actually pierced through the plexi-glas of several vehicles or cracked the windshields in some places, which I found unnecessary, to be honest.
Yeah, we had the same problem. Our car was mostly all right, except for a ruined left side mirror and a small crack in the front windshield.
Some people seemed unaware of the change in rules, and my driver was accused of cheating for not taking the windshield-hits. While that was cleared up at the beer party (no hard feelings dude, you know who you are <3 ) I think Berget should post a note of which rules are changed/removed whenever they amend their rules, instead of just saying "something has changed, please read".
Kinda like patch notes when a PC game is patched.
It saves people getting grumpy and mad when accusations are thrown around :)

Also, and this happened on both sides, when a vehicle is shot out with BAVS, everyone has to exit. You can't stay inside and shoot out, even if you aren't hit personally.
I told the people doing this, both on the NAF and Poldavian Mech, that it was wrong and they should call themselves out or exit the vehicle as soon as it was hit.
Again, the rules could be more clear on this area.

Posted: 04 Jul 2011, 12:14
by Zarre
I really enjoyed the BAVS which was mounted on our vehicle. After this game these are the areas which I think needs improvment:

1. When we arrived we were told that we had to use our own battery since there was a mixup of some kind between Berget Crew and the supplier of the BAVS.

2. It might be a good idea to have a built in battery which makes it harder for players to cheat.

3. One single shot from a AT4 should not be able to take out more than one vehicle. Several times our vehicle was hit just because the front vehicle took a hit and we happened to be in the line of fire. What I mean is that when several vehicles is lined up together a single shot from the AT4 will hit them all.

Posted: 04 Jul 2011, 12:26
by JudgementDay
A_Muller wrote:I did see lots of vehichles with rolled down windows not taking normal BB hits. Could vehichle crew only be taken out by a BAVS?
To me rolling with windows down is done at their own risk of getting hit.
Yes. Well, the rules state that:
"Taking out a non armoured vehicle
Vehicles cannot be neutralized with bb´s alone. To successfully accomplish this you need to use the BAVS system. However if you hit a person in an open vehicle or through an open window, normal hit rules apply. "

Although I have to admit that the headline speaking of "non-armoured" vehicles is misleading, since as of Berget 9, there are technically no completely "unarmoured" vehicles. My guess is that this describes the class 1 vehicles (normal cars and jeeps, destroyed after 1 BAVS grenade) as opposed to the class 2 vehicles (larger trucks, seemingly "armoured" heavy vehicles and tanks, which need at least two hits from a BAVS grenade).

As I said, I am looking forward to these rules being worked on and refined for more detail and less misunderstandings.
Panzergraf wrote: Also, and this happened on both sides, when a vehicle is shot out with BAVS, everyone has to exit. You can't stay inside and shoot out, even if you aren't hit personally.
I told the people doing this, both on the NAF and Poldavian Mech, that it was wrong and they should call themselves out or exit the vehicle as soon as it was hit.
Again, the rules could be more clear on this area.
I fully agree. Actually, we at NAF 1st Mech first thought that if a vehicle is hit by BAVS, all inside passengers are eliminated as well (the vehicle blows up and everyone inside dies in a fireball), but received info from Spof before gamestart that only the driver dies. And since the vehicle could be repaired and the driver medic'ed in the field, it meant that you could go on very quickly afterwards if you had an engineer and a medic inside your vehicle.

In a certain incident near the end of Friday, we had this discussion again with the Poldavians surrounding our vehicle after it had taken a BAVS hit. A game master present at that time told us otherwise, so we flagged the vehicle and all passengers hit and proceeded home.

When trying to find the right lines in the rules today, I couldn't find a line that supported either opinion
(- although at that time rule #1: "The game master's word is law" applied, so no problem there :)).
Still, I would love to see things cleared up, and it would be great to have those "patch/update news" you mentioned.

Posted: 04 Jul 2011, 12:34
by A_Muller
Oh, I'm not talking about the actual car taking a hit, but it's passengers.
I mean, if a gunner is on top and he's hit he takes the hit, why shouldn't anyone else do the same if they can indeed get hit by the BBs?

Posted: 04 Jul 2011, 12:38
by JudgementDay
Thus the rules quote in Italics:
JudgementDay wrote: However if you hit a person in an open vehicle or through an open window, normal hit rules apply. "

Posted: 04 Jul 2011, 12:39
by A_Muller
Thanks, I'll let my OT:ing stop now ^^,