SF & Spetznaz Selection Process

Topics and things concerning this game.
Berget Crew & Site Admin
Berget Crew & Site Admin
Posts: 143
Joined: 18 Oct 2007, 09:32
Location: Stockholm, Sweden

SF & Spetznaz Selection Process

Post by timpa » 03 Apr 2007, 03:35

Questions are answered in SF and Spetznaz forumsections.

The time has now come for the pronounced cutting. 23 needs to be cut from SF and 12 from Spetznas. This post includes a short survey that ALL of you that have applied for SF and Spetznas has to fill in. If you do not answer this survey in the given time, you will automaticly be cut.

We will once again state that the slection process really is necessary. Unfortunaly we dont have the posibility to assess you as thoroughly as we would like, but that makes it even more important for you all to answer the survey truthfully.

The ones that does not meet our demands, will be informed before the 23th of april. There will then be plenty of time to help you get transfered to another unit.

The survey must be answered and posted as soon as possible. The deadline for this survey is 16th april, and as stated before, the ones that have not answered before that date, will be cut.
The link to the form is: http://berget-events.com/b5/selection

Should you have mistakenly entered something wrong, send a mail to sf.select@berget-events.com (Same address for Spetznaz players)
Good luck!
