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Posted: 09 May 2007, 19:11
by hRotten
How about removing the bandages? Is only way to remove then to get hit third time?

So if I get hit in early game and medic takes care of me, do I have to carry that bandage for rest of the game? Or is there some kind of a time limit for removing bandages or can bandages be removed in HQ? Something else like this?

Posted: 18 May 2007, 10:32
by Pelikanen
I have a question about the tools for an Engineer.
Gerber and other multitools, does that count as both wirecutter and a screwdriver?

Posted: 18 May 2007, 15:50
by Puma
And what kind of screwdriver are we talking about, a philips head or what?

Posted: 18 May 2007, 18:05
by Berget-events
You can bring whatever you want, as long as you can cut electric wires and open screws...

Posted: 18 May 2007, 19:24
by Pelikanen
Spof wrote:You can bring whatever you want, as long as you can cut electric wires and open screws...
ok, thank you :) then i will go and have a look at multitools

Posted: 18 May 2007, 21:02
by crimson
Spof wrote:You can bring whatever you want, as long as you can cut electric wires and open screws...
Then I think almost everybody is an engineer :wink: , during this kind of events most people has such tool, not :?:

atleast I do....

Posted: 18 May 2007, 21:40
Yes but not all know how to juse them... only the people that Crew says can.
The rest of us must play dumb :D
The Berget Crew selects a few people that are enginers, the rest are not even if thay have multi tool. :)

Posted: 18 May 2007, 21:41
TENGILL wrote:Yes but not all know how to juse them... only the people that Crew says can.
The rest of us must play dumb :D
The Berget Crew selects a few people that are enginers, the rest are not even if thay have multi tool. :)
Just cus you have a Hind helicopter dosent mean you can fly it :wink:

Posted: 19 May 2007, 13:56
by LoomChild
crimson wrote: Then I think almost everybody is an engineer :wink: , during this kind of events most people has such tool, not :?:

atleast I do....
As people have said we have to play dumb. Or rather, we have to imagine that it's a lot more complicated than it actually is. Me and a friend once had some fun making basic alarms and letting eachother bypass them. Some where quite tricky even with only basic electronics. So even if you have a multitool and know how to cut a wire I'm sure I can VERY simply build a bomb that most players couldn't dissarm as most players don't have basic electronic knowledge. And even if they do, will they remember what a 74HC04 circuit does without a reference? A trained engineer will, and thus I guess this is simulated by making things VERY easy to do and we all then just imagine that it's complicated.

And yes, I want to see people roleplay so much that they start sweating when they know it's just "cut the ONLY visible wire". ;)

Posted: 19 May 2007, 15:24
by Torak
Have four wires - all red. ;)

Posted: 20 May 2007, 01:08
by LoomChild
...and tell all the engineer-players before they go out that they should always cut the blue wire... ;)

Posted: 26 May 2007, 04:59
by Hammerhead
Regarding Medic armbands.

Since we are playing MilSim, and not Paintball, camouflage do fill a function - namely to keep you undetected from the enemy. Doesn't an ultra-white armband, 11cm in width around your arm sort of fouls it up for squads in need of camouflage (mainly SF, but all sorts)?

Not to mention that the team armband already ruins the use of patches on your left arm - now you have another armband to really ruin your attempts to show of your team/unit/whatever-patch

What more do we really need then some clear indicator on one arm if a player is either a medic or engineer without the need to light them up in the forest (especially at dusk when white is t3h crap)?

I thought that the Medic indicator mainly was there so that arrangers/game masters and friendly forces could identify who is a medic - not to let the enemy know where our medics are located.

Let me suggest a more liberal view on this: Allow medics and engineers to choose however they wish to show players that their role at close range. For example with Medic patches (The way we in the past has shown our teams medics) or whatever. A rule saying that a Medic will need to carry a red cross on a white field clearly visibly, and a Engineer need to carry some for of green field with a wrench (also clearly visibly) should suffice.

The green armband with the white/red cross & circle is so far the only viable option in my eyes. I was however hoping that the game arrangers would show some leniency regarding marking out special role players.

Posted: 27 May 2007, 21:39
by Berget-events
Hammerhead wrote:Regarding Medic armbands.

Since we are playing MilSim, and not Paintball, camouflage do fill a function - namely to keep you undetected from the enemy. Doesn't an ultra-white armband, 11cm in width around your arm sort of fouls it up for squads in need of camouflage (mainly SF, but all sorts)?

Not to mention that the team armband already ruins the use of patches on your left arm - now you have another armband to really ruin your attempts to show of your team/unit/whatever-patch

What more do we really need then some clear indicator on one arm if a player is either a medic or engineer without the need to light them up in the forest (especially at dusk when white is t3h crap)?

I thought that the Medic indicator mainly was there so that arrangers/game masters and friendly forces could identify who is a medic - not to let the enemy know where our medics are located.

Let me suggest a more liberal view on this: Allow medics and engineers to choose however they wish to show players that their role at close range. For example with Medic patches (The way we in the past has shown our teams medics) or whatever. A rule saying that a Medic will need to carry a red cross on a white field clearly visibly, and a Engineer need to carry some for of green field with a wrench (also clearly visibly) should suffice.

The green armband with the white/red cross & circle is so far the only viable option in my eyes. I was however hoping that the game arrangers would show some leniency regarding marking out special role players.
Good point hammer, but the rules are almost at lockdown mode. We dont want to change them any more before the game. This is a subject for upcomming games.

* Edited * Thinker are right My misstake :oops:

Posted: 28 May 2007, 03:37
by Thinker
Guess I REALLY shouldnt be posting this, but I do tend to read as much as possible.... and I do remeber things, save files and so on. Its on the frontpage, and in the rules page.
Posted 19-03-2007 - 21:36 by spof wrote: As the picture shows you have to make a secondary armband if you are a "ingame" medic or engineer. This should be worn on your right arm and the "team-armband" on your left. This armband should be in the same size as the "team-armband".
...and from the rules on medic armbands wrote: As the picture shows you have to make a secondary armband if you are a "in game" medic. This should be worn on your right arm and the "team-armband" on your left. This armband should be in the same size as the "team-armband".
Well atleast in my team we have followed the rules page, and has made armbands that is the right size, even if crew dont know the rules...

Posted: 07 Jun 2007, 19:23
by HardCoil
Spof wrote:It should be made in the same size as the other "team-armband" and worn on the free arm. There is a limit of 2 medics / squad.
I'm sorry if this is written somewhere, but I've been trawling forum and rules to no avail :?

What exactly is the definition of "squad"? I mean.. is it 2 medics pr. 5 people or 2 pr. 15 people?

What's the limit on engineers?