
Topics and things concerning this game.

Post by Torak » 27 May 2007, 13:53

Skuggan wrote:oh, and alcohol drinks cant be bought in supermarkets here, you have to go to "systembolaget" to buy that ;)
Although the current government are trying to change that, for some reason. As it stands, in return for going to Systemet, you get the widest selection of drinks in Europe. If Systemet gets shut down in favour of supermarkets, you'll end up with the same thing as everywhere else - a piddling little selection of the best-selling plonk.

Posts: 43
Joined: 22 Oct 2006, 22:17
Location: Stockholm, Sweden

Post by stoffi » 27 May 2007, 19:40

Ok, so I tried the whole heating-the-MRE-against-the-body-technique (courtesy of Drytech, makers of REAL Turmat (hikers food)) today on a hike I did with all my gear (excluding the guns n' stuff, of course).

The Ziplock might not be strong enough on some MREs to withstand pressure on the side, i.e. if you put it between your body and vest, it's ok, but with a camelback or backpack on, it might get to pressurized putting the contents of the MRE in your face instead. So, I didn't do this, and, ate my food cold, which was totally fine. I'm now eating one smoking hot, just to see the difference and I'll tell you, it wasn't that much better. It's not a Guide Michelin 3-star gourmet dish, after all.

Point: eating it cold isn't so bad at all.
B5 NATO, Special Forces
B6 General Conrads Mercenaries
B7 Milos Tigers, Mechanized
B8 NAF, Mechanized

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