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Posted: 03 Jul 2008, 10:12
by Baron
Who said he needed to use an airsoft rifle? Many rifles that use CO2 containers have a smile intake where you can load 0.28 bullets. Had one when I was a kid.

I heard these news from my team mates later in the day, I was UN, so we didn't experience this shooter but hearing of it didn't make us wanna be in the line of fire of that person. Imagen if it would hit the protective glasses? Would they even embrace the impact or would they just shatter?

I was also told that the person infact wasn't a signed in player, but someone who simply came to fire at cars. Obviously he seems to have deviated from that and started shooting at people as well.

Idiots like this glass weilding moffo should be found, pounded to a pulp and dropped in the local river with lots and lots of his glass BB's so he drown. If you only come to cause irreversable damage and you're not even a signed up player. My team and me have read this topic and found it disgusting and inhuman, why use a powered up gun, glass BB's and use them to do harm rather than doing the function of a milsim game?

Posted: 03 Jul 2008, 10:27
by Trasher-HU
Skin, flesh penetration is also depending on the skin type / sensitivity of the guy on the receiving end (not to mention location). The worst airsoft injury I've seen was caused by a 350fps (little over 1 Joule) gun in CQB, firing a 3rd burst from a couple meters. The guy wore helmet, mask, and completely sealed goggles. The burst hit his forehead between the helmet and goggles, ripped his skin and put holes in his head, literally. I can link the pic, but it's really-really nasty.

We had a skilled chronomaster (unlike the fellas at B6), the gun wasn't hot... Some guys get penetrating wounds more easily, even from "normal" guns.

Posted: 03 Jul 2008, 11:10
by Lexa
Tomik99_SVK wrote:2Lexa
Just for your information I was one of the mercs atacking base when this shit is happen. And in the moment of this was made, all mercs already death and staying at the cars or coming to the cars with orange hat. You surprised us from back and you fight against your own players which pressing us from front. This is done in friendly fire after our elimination. When we told to someone from SRP players coming from our back, he is atacking friendly he answer us just "--- SPAM !!! --- them" and shot again....
Basically we are not guilty for this I thing but we all was sent to remeassure guns immediatelly by marshals and off course we passed this without any problems.
I think it is normal to get some BB under the skin but ussually from 3-4-5 meters in som CQB with strong gun. And off course it looks terrible but for many of experienced players it is not strange to see this. Hopefully cleaning was done well and you will have not roblems from this.
Good luck

first of all
i am not blaming anyone,
i am not looking for revenge or such

i did not come from the back,
i was coming towards the SRP base from the road towards you,
and was in line with my fellow SRP players

i didnt even notice the shot was in my skin untill a fellow SRP allmost puked when he saw me

i liked how the GM handled the situation,
he came by and asked me 3 times if i really was ok,
the fact that he decided to Chrono you of all (hey you were the ones that helped me out with your doctor) was his call, based on the location i was shot and the direction the shot came.

this shit happens, so what :)
it shouldnt, but it does..
and it wasnt that bad injury anyway

i only posted the pic to make sure people think about face masks and to point out that it isnt as simple as one side cheating, we all know all sides cheat at some times, no ones supposed to, but theres allways some jerks out there

so hope this posting/incident wont give any bad blood out,
but to be used as an example what might happen


Posted: 03 Jul 2008, 17:27
by Erwin
tom_sk wrote:
Erwin wrote:To pass trough simple linen cloth, the bullet must fly very fast and be sharp-pointed, or fly amazingly fast, without sharp head.

To pass trough material used in tactical vests...
the flag on the car (if you are referring to it) was not cloth, it was some kind of plastic. strange that the owner of the car did not mention it yet.
I cna shoot trough thin plastic with spring powered, 20e costing airsoft pistols I get from the supermarket. As you said, strange how people "forget" always this "irrevelant" stuff.

Posted: 03 Jul 2008, 17:32
by motorhead
I totally agree with Lexa and simply conclude that this is a calculated risk for all airsofters. I was lucky to keep my teeth this time and will simply consider a facemask of some kind next BE.

Lexa: Thanks for showing me the way to SRP water tank BTW and trying to buy me with BE Dollars. You guys made my day with that one. hehe :-)

Posted: 04 Jul 2008, 15:34
by Tomik99_SVK
2Lexa> Yeah man this is right way to this.... I like your opinion. Of course my post was just how we saw this..... Thank for understooding.
I was think that you personnally was one of the mans suprised us from back because you comes to our doc from our back :lol: I still think is from friendly fire but of course this shit can happen anytime. We have some experience with this: and if you are interesting about story in this link I can send it in english via e-mail :D so it is nothing new for us if somebody have BB under skin :(
And yeah GM made it all very well in this cause.
I don`t try to make some flame from this. It was just explanation from our point of view. A hope is ok now, your skin etc etc. Good luck man :P

Posted: 10 Jul 2008, 19:11
by Kazak
Just two cents on the main topic: I suggest Berget team could specifically restrict using glass BBs or any BBs, that are reported to fragment easily after hitting solid items.

I'm afraid players, who use masks with sort of metal net for eye protection, could experience damage by fragments of glass BBs, hitting the mask.

Posted: 10 Jul 2008, 20:38
by WhiteAce
Some guys from my team - Golf coy NATO - found those glass BB's in MERC camp indeed... I took some pics and somebody else got hold of a gamemaster... They are indeed Begadi and they are glass, as proven by a test.
Unfortunately the third pic is not so clear, but it is the testresult...

Like Brujo said, these BB's do not deform on imact and should be forbidden. As a member of the board of the Dutch airsoft association, I can tell that we wrote several emails to Begadi to remove these BB's from their shop, but they refused :twisted:




Posted: 11 Jul 2008, 09:12
by [JH]crazydog
You found the BB's because I put them there after I was back from Berget Crew.
They were not used in game. A friend of me bought them as BIOVAL BBMAX BIO BB ... ts_id/4291
from Begadi and give them to me for showing them to the crew.
The tests we made with this BB's are quiet strange.
We tried to melt them on the stove but it didn't work.
We broke them with a pincer and get sharp pieces like you show it on the picture.

I'm waiting for a comment from Begadi. If this are realy glass-BB's then Begadi delivered them as BIO-BB.

But i can assure you that these BB's have nothing to do with the incident on the swiss car and were not used in game. I broke the seal of the package for testing them. They have been given to me in the night after my upset reaction (I appologize for it) on the glass-BB to calm me down.

So let us wait what the vendor say to them.


Posted: 11 Jul 2008, 09:32
by Plante
I know for a fact that alot was using BIOVAL BBMAX from begadi atleast

Posted: 11 Jul 2008, 10:41
by freno
I´m a little bit confused! Why do we need to use this kind of bb´s? Even the bbmax, or what ever! Is it to claim manhood? It is NOT a competition, or have someone reached the conclusion who won this! I use normal and cheap bb´s, and i got atleast 3-4 confirmed kills. When EVERYBODY start to think of having as fun-time as possible instead of competition, we´re going to have a liftime-play at Berget!!! Se you next time!

Posted: 11 Jul 2008, 15:07
by [JH]crazydog
freno wrote:I´m a little bit confused! Why do we need to use this kind of bb´s? Even the bbmax, or what ever! Is it to claim manhood? It is NOT a competition, or have someone reached the conclusion who won this! I use normal and cheap bb´s, and i got atleast 3-4 confirmed kills. When EVERYBODY start to think of having as fun-time as possible instead of competition, we´re going to have a liftime-play at Berget!!! Se you next time!
Bio-BB's are in princip a good thing, has nothing to do with competition but with the environment.
The discussion of bb's is quite useless.
If the bb doesn't break ( the one we testet was hard to smash)
it doesn't matter if the bb is of steel, aluminium, glass or plastic.
If i drop a kilogramm of steel on your food it hurts the same way than 1 kg of plastic.
It is the speed AND mass of the BB that causes the pain.
So I don't blame for the BB but for the gun used to make the impacts on the car.
The speedlimits are high enough, no need to break the rules.
My opinion


Posted: 12 Jul 2008, 09:28
by Kartoon
I'm confused about another thing. A BB broke a car window? So two(2) windows got broken during the event?
I'm just making sure this is not a rumour without any reinforcement.

I witnessed one of the accidents from a small distance where dozens of bb's were fired simultaneously on a car's side window making it crack. The driver was enfuriated because as far as I know he had a small OFFGAME-sign in the windshield(next to the huge red flag for mercs), got out of the vehicle and smashed the door in making the window shatter into small shrapnel.

And I guess different versions of this happening exist, but let us not go into that but rather just let me know was there another incident where a window was shot broken? If not, glass bb's had nothing to do with this charade.

Posted: 12 Jul 2008, 09:46
We got also broken windows in our Foxtrot 3 Nato TGB20.

The medium glass one in the cargo front was made in peices and the other ones in the cargo compartiment, where the guys where seaten look like cheese... with lots of all!

I want to belleive that some players forgot the safety distances, and the hall's aren't made by glass or metal BB's!

Next week I'll receive more photos, where i can show the damage!


Posted: 12 Jul 2008, 10:07
by freno
We should clearify that safety-distance is for EVERYONE, and even when taking out cars!!