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Re: Don't be the jackass of Berget games!

Posted: 04 Jun 2010, 11:49
by Kadmillos ASIK
Spof wrote: § 1. Don't take your hits, curse the other side for cheating and report to a gamemaster that you where shot to piece´s by the oposite side.

§ 2. Report a whole nation to be cheaters, like the Finns, Russians or whatever. Also spread this rumor whitin your own team.

§ 3. Complain to the organizers about the lack of transport after you have being shot on the other side of the gamearea. Tell all players that you where promised transport by that crew guy in the safezone / forum.

§ 4. If your gun breaks down, borrow a Gun from a unknown player in your team. Play and fall, break that gun in two peice's, go to nearest crewmember and demand compensation from Berget-events.

§ 5. If something is late during the game. Go to safezone demand to talk to the CEO then complain for hours and get as many crew as possible to be involved in your discussion for as long as possible. Keep them in the Safezone!

§ 6. When a gamemaster catches you by cheating or being drunk during the game. Tell him to let you go because you have not read the rules.


Posted: 22 Jun 2010, 14:10
by Spof
I have some new ones created this year.

- "Why do you not have beds in tents for us?"

- "My offgame car where shot at when I used it ingame, It got marks from BB´s and i want compensation from BE"

Did it have orange deadrags?

NO ?

My tent is missing some poles.

Ok we will fix it, but it can take 2-4 Hours.

But I want it now!

This it not Disneyland, cut some temporary poles from the forest or borrow from an emty tent.

I dont have any knife or axe.

Borrow from any teammate in the base.

Can you do it?


Posted: 22 Jun 2010, 14:12
by Murrdohk
Lol...that last one is priceless. :lol:

Posted: 22 Jun 2010, 14:13
by Spof
A big fucking thanks to the Jackass that not only cut the fence into PSY-ops but also cut the stretching-wire in the bottom giving us a neat cost of 1000 EURO for repairing it.

A REWARD for anyone that can give us evidence who did it! :twisted:

Posted: 22 Jun 2010, 21:22
by Weasel
Let me nominate those renegade-civies who loaded their supercharged machine-gun(s) with 0.43 BBs and managed to take out two of my team-mate's teeth in one go from about 50 m.
Wish'em to be on the receiving end of their own tools :twisted:
It seems it's harder for some people not to lose perception of what is real and what is not. :evil:

Posted: 22 Jun 2010, 22:42
by Kvarnen
Jackass of 2010 for me was the dude who said that a player without a vest or gun but only a ICA-bag in his hand can't be in-game and knife kill. Even an off duty soldier can perform his work, but not if you ask him.

Posted: 23 Jun 2010, 00:48
by Eldoriath
Note on bullets and teeth:
Even a low-grade springer can knock out teeth or pieces of them up to 10m in some cases, which is why teeth-protection is advised.

Bad luck about your friends, hope they have an insurance that covers most of the costs. It's no fun loosing teeth and it can hurt quite a bit when eating/drinking leading to avoiding eating for a while (know from own experience) =/

Posted: 23 Jun 2010, 08:33
by Weasel
Eldoriath wrote:Note on bullets and teeth:
Even a low-grade springer can knock out teeth or pieces of them up to 10m in some cases, which is why teeth-protection is advised.
So true ... but try to send a nice, well grouped volley of .43s at 50m and check what the hrono will show with .20s at point blank ...

Posted: 23 Jun 2010, 12:19
by Arbiterman
Weasel, what was the armband ID of the player shooting with 0.43 to your friend from 50m with overcharged machinegun? I mean, how you managed to know that it was exactly 0.43 and the gun was overtuned? If you don't know the armband ID and you didn't call for game master or trustee to deal with situation at that moment - it worths nothing. If every one will start blaming each over with braking the rules - it will end in a total mess. You have to deal with situation right at the moment- call for trustee or write down the ID number or you have just to forget about it.

And for the teeth: on my own experience I personaly saw two different incidents of hitting with 0.2g 90-100m/s gun from 20 meters and taking teeth away. So besides of pullet's power it's also a matter of angle and teeth strenght.

Posted: 23 Jun 2010, 12:31
by freno
Spof wrote:A big fucking thanks to the Jackass that not only cut the fence into PSY-ops but also cut the stretching-wire in the bottom giving us a neat cost of 1000 EURO for repairing it.

A REWARD for anyone that can give us evidence who did it! :twisted:
PSYOPS have most of the team on video... ;-)

Posted: 23 Jun 2010, 20:40
by Weasel
Arbiterman, дорогой, I don't want to play a blame game - just want to light a tiny little warning sign for all those guys having wet dreams about harder springs and heavier BBs.
By accident our battalion deputy commander, a berget trustee himself, was with us at that moment. Within 4-5 minutes of the accident he has isolated 3 suspects - 2 with MGs + one sniper. Obviously it was not the sniper. We knew .43 BBs were involved since one of them was spit out by the victim.
Berget crew members arrived on site with an ATV and drove the suspects away for hroning in the SZ. I have no news what the results were.
Another circumstancial evidence is that the sound of incoming BBs from those MGs smashing into the canvas of the central bunker of Dog Point was much louder than from other guns shooting from the same direction.
I realise all these are circumstantial evidence but firing .43 in full auto is a bit too much for me.

Posted: 23 Jun 2010, 20:59
by Jin
Weasel i hope you teammate will get well soon.
Pass him hello and fast recover from Estonia:)

Posted: 23 Jun 2010, 21:35
by Arbiterman
I was almost in the same situation on the last berget being hit hard in the face from 3 meters from 150m/s MG that wasn't even registered. So I think that all cases of such violation is no doubt a subject to ban violator from berget events. So if you catch one, he surely should be punished.

In my last message I was talking on situation when it's unacceptable to blame a group of people after the game on forum without any evidence. I'm sure you understood me correctly, друг!

And I hope that your friend will be OK and happy with new teeth, and it will be covered by insurance.

Please let us know about results of investigation.

Posted: 23 Jun 2010, 21:45
by diamid
I think the cron-fase of the check-in is not good enought. When my team got the small note, we taped it to our guns.

In my opinion, Berget-crew should continue giving everyone that small note, but with a stamp, that is different in some way every year. (Can be anything, just a stamp that nobody knows of before the game)

Or that every singel piece of paper have it's own id No. Like the once you get when you order food. The number don't need to be registered on every singel player, but just make it hard enought to cheat the system.

And that they have tape or something els (most be waterprof) to stick it to the gun. (and it should be mandatory) We taped the note on our guns buttstock. The gun takes no damange, and it's still stuck to my guns even after all the rain and sun.

There should also be more than one cron-station at check-in. If Berget Crew is understaffed during the check-in, I would gladly use some of my time to help them, avoiding that this important part of the process happenes too hasty.

PS: Send regards to your friend. Hope he feels ok, and soon will join us on the battlefield again.

Posted: 23 Jun 2010, 23:00
by running+sizzor
Few remarks on the knocking out teeth by to much FPS:
- I've had my front teeth knocked out at a local skirm from over 10 meters with only 325 fps. (Chro'ed after it happened.)
- Having to much FPS is cheating just as not calling your hits or breaking any other rule.
- The way we depend on the honour system for taking hits is the way we depend on the players being fair with their FPS. There are so many ways to cheat around the FPS test, it is only usefull for the honest players that do not have a chrono themselves to check.