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Posted: 04 Jun 2010, 09:38
by Spof
During Berget there will be lots of mosquitos during nights and cloudy days. If you are not used to them you will get small itching dots when bitten but the most important thing is to have some kind of mosquito-protection during your sleep. A small mosquito hat with net or a repellent to put in your face and other visable bodyparts.

Your sleep is important and therefore you should follow this advice if you are not used mosquitos.

You can get theese mosquito protection from most swedish supermarket like COOP or ICA.

Posted: 04 Jun 2010, 09:40
by vinni
and they're nasty buggers, they can bite you right trough your clothing and gloves!

bug repellent is a must!

Posted: 04 Jun 2010, 10:12
by Ober-Lix
I think I have mentioned this subject before else where in the forum.
It is most important to buy a well prooven repellant because some of them are loved by mosquitos.
Maybe the chemist in Solleftea have the right stuff for the region.

Posted: 04 Jun 2010, 11:45
by Kadmillos ASIK
Ober-Lix wrote:I think I have mentioned this subject before else where in the forum.
It is most important to buy a well prooven repellant because some of them are loved by mosquitos.
Maybe the chemist in Solleftea have the right stuff for the region.
YES! PAy attention to this, last time we use our repellent, i don't know why but for the local mosquitos that was like ketchup on fries.... this time we will buy the repellent directly on site!!!!

Useful Repellent

Posted: 04 Jun 2010, 12:29
by mmilia
Last Berget i use a DEET based repellent which reveal very good performances: my friend found me hidden in the grass because the black cloud of mosquitos fixed 50 cm over my head. No Bites for me , if i use repellent every 3-4 hours.

Posted: 04 Jun 2010, 20:31
by crimson
Bushman Insect Repellent is the proven brand of mine, bought it in Australia

has saved me many times of these buggers :wink:

Posted: 04 Jun 2010, 20:44
by kjsaw

Posted: 05 Jun 2010, 20:03
by Hietaa
But what if i don't have a spot on me that hasn't already been bitten by mosquitos before i come to berget? :x Should i still bring repellant?

Posted: 05 Jun 2010, 20:44
by vinni

Posted: 05 Jun 2010, 21:39
by Klaus_F
we in Lithuanina swamps use BEN'S 100
i think we shal try it and in sweeden

Posted: 06 Jun 2010, 10:38
by Ober-Lix
Hietaa wrote:But what if i don't have a spot on me that hasn't already been bitten by mosquitos before i come to berget? :x Should i still bring repellant?
If you don´t want to be covered with red dots, you better bring repellant and use it at regular intervalls.
The dots are no problem, they just look funny. It´s the itching that is driving you nuts and if you keep scratching them all the time, you are running the risk of getting an infection.

Posted: 06 Jun 2010, 10:45
by loxis
Now im happy that i havent had a mosquitobite for 8 years, and im not about to start now. (never used repellant)

Posted: 06 Jun 2010, 11:15
by Mr.Ghost
loxis wrote:Now im happy that i havent had a mosquitobite for 8 years, and im not about to start now. (never used repellant)
Because it depends on your blood type and amount of several kind of ferrids in blood. You are lucky! I have tasty type 0 and always used to be eaten by mosquitos.

Posted: 06 Jun 2010, 13:45
by Hietaa
Ober-Lix wrote:
Hietaa wrote:But what if i don't have a spot on me that hasn't already been bitten by mosquitos before i come to berget? :x Should i still bring repellant?
If you don´t want to be covered with red dots, you better bring repellant and use it at regular intervalls.
The dots are no problem, they just look funny. It´s the itching that is driving you nuts and if you keep scratching them all the time, you are running the risk of getting an infection.
hey i live in northern finland i know what mosquitos do. The problem here is that they have already bitten me so bad that it doesn't matter if there's couple of mosquitos. And the mosquito bites don't get itchy on me for some reason. :lol:

Posted: 06 Jun 2010, 17:17
by Ober-Lix
Well, .....aren´t you a lucky devil ! :D